Jun 6, 2009

Straight men cheering man to strip!!!


Joined: 17 Mar 2003
Location: BWAHAHAHAHA! I'M FREE!!!!!!!

PostPosted: Tue Apr 29, 2003 11:00 pm    Post subject:Reply with quote

I was out dancing the other night with a group of new friends. Most of the women had sat down but the guys were still dancing. Then the DJ began to dance and strip off his clothes, all the dudes on the dance floor began to cheer and make cat calls...egging the stripper on to show more skin. 

To me this was pretty gay even for Korean men, but that may be my repressed homosexual guilt showing through, NOT!

Western heterosexuality is anti-man and unnatural


Joined: 15 Jan 2003
Location: Dangling my toes in the Persian Gulf

PostPosted: Tue Apr 29, 2003 10:26 pm    Post subject:Reply with quote

I keep reading here about how the "sensitivity" and same-sex affection of Korean men is a sign of some deeply seated, repressed homosexuality. Does this explain the same sex affection seen in almost all non-Western cultures? Mexican men have machismo, but they are also very affectionate and sensitive. The same with Cuban men. 

In fact, it seems that the opposite conclusion could be drawn, and has been by some gender scholars- that it is deep seated homophobia that drives some cultures to eschew open displays of same-sex affection. And that homophobia is really driven by the self-loathing of people who fear their own homo-erotic desires. 

I think that, in spite of all of the sexist faults of Korean Culture, Korean men are often more secure in their manhood and sexuality, and therefore are not threatened by being affectionate and sensitive, than a lot of the western men that I know. 

This is just another interpretation of the culture here, and is probably as wrong as any other. My point is simply that those who see homosexuality in Korean male behavior are more than likely projecting rather than interpreting.

Jan 18, 2009

What it Means to be Straight

 At the time when my own sexual identity was fluid, I consciously chose and performed heterosexuality

Crispin Sartwell is chair of humanities at the Maryland Institute College of Art.

Jan 17, 2009

Why do straight men watch porn with dicks ejaculating?



In heterosexual porn films the great majority of the shots are of the man's penis entering various female orifices. We see one or more male ejaculations in explicit and exaggerated detail. How can the men enjoying watching this be wholly heterosexual?

By Freddy Says remove all moderation points Asked Feb 9 2008 9:00AM
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by The Special One on Mar 5, 2008 at 1:28 pm Permalink

You could twist it the other way - if someone gets so uncomfortable watching a man, does that not make him at least a little insecure with his own sexuality? And where do you draw the line? Sports contain incredibly toned men getting pretty handsy with one another.

Don't get me wrong, the penis-close-ups are not my favorite parts; I don't go and freeze frame them, but I don't mind it - it's part of the act. 
As far as the money shots go, holy crap it's so damn hilarious. It's like in Shakespearian plays, there's always comic relief. That's right, I just drew a comparison between Shakespeare and hardcore pornography.
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Answer 2 out of 5

by SaraMonster the Swami on Mar 4, 2008 at 2:48 pm Permalink

they pretend like its them. Just like when i watch the women they totally turn me on and i am 100% straight, its just kinda how things work.
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Avatar SaraMonster the Swami Mar, 05 2008 at 09:09 AM
ok Freddy i have a question. I like to watch porn, i dont care what the man looks like but the girl has to be smoking hot, big boobs, not fat and white. I know what i like. Sexually its the woman that i want to see not the man. I only just started watching porn with men in it. Usually it was just two girls....Does that make me gay?
Avatar Freddy Says remove all moderation points Mar, 05 2008 at 12:11 PM
I honestly have no idea. I think that depends on what you want to *do*, not watch. However I have often though guys enjoying watching a money shot may be not classically heterosexual
Avatar SaraMonster the Swami Mar, 05 2008 at 12:38 PM
LOL, well i'm totally NOT gay. I dont like women like that but in films for some reason i do. and yeah, i know what you are saying. Kinda gay right?

Answer 3 out of 5

by Malikitts on Feb 11, 2008 at 8:14 am Permalink

I wondered too, a male friend informed me it was so that the man could picture it as his own penis entering the various places
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Avatar Malikitts Feb, 11 2008 at 09:47 AM
lol, true enough. I really can't answer that...hmmm....makes you wonder though
Avatar Freddy Says remove all moderation points Feb, 11 2008 at 09:49 AM
Do women want to see it?
Avatar Malikitts Feb, 11 2008 at 10:16 AM
I can't speak for all women, but it doesn't particularily appeal to me....

Answer 4 out of 5

by MargaretMcGhee on Feb 9, 2008 at 1:52 pm Permalink

Ihave womdered about this too. But, the "cum shot" is some kind of verification that the sex was for real.
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Avatar Freddy Says remove all moderation points Feb, 09 2008 at 01:56 PM
But so often? And with implausible volumes of ejaculate?
I believe that men who like watching other men have orgasms cannot be heterosexual. They may be all sorts of other things, but hetero they are not

Answer 5 out of 5

by denidowi on Jan 4, 2009 at 2:47 pm Permalink

Well, that's probably a fair Q there, Freddy.
It seems to me that what actually happens in the overall sexual engagement is that in the pre or even foreplay stage, the attention is all on the beauty of the female form, and a dance or stretch out by her would do it nicely, thank you very much.
Basically SHE is facilitating him, and inspiring him to great sexual heights [which is physically displayed by his hard on erection].
But the male organ then becomes the dominating, demanding feature in the show once she has raised him.
So although the girl's role of facilitation does not actually change, the visual focus and attention shifts to the demanding feature of the show - his powerful penis.
For me, the part the hetero enjoys seeing is her; but he would also enjoy seeing that the girl has brought him to some fruition and has satisfied her part in completing his act for him.
Obviously, I am just dealing here with the male satisfaction, which was the topic you were addressing.
In reality, of course, the girl needs as much pleasure and satisfaction as she is capable of also.
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In heterosexual porn films the great majority of the shots are of the man's penis entering various female orifices. We see one or more male ejaculations in explicit and exaggerated detail. How can the men enjoying watching this be wholly heterosexual?

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